# System Owner = UCL AXIm Scanner = Edge Illumination 007Mo Location = 2.09a Source = Rigaku 007 Target = Molybdenum Detector = Hamamatsu C9732DK Camera Pixel Size [um] = 50 Source to detector distance [m] = 0.86 Source to sample mask distance [m] = 0.68 Source to sample [m] = 0.70 Detector to detector mask distance [m] = 0.01 Sample mask pitch [um] = 79 Sample mask aperture [um] = 10 Detector mask pitch [um] = 98 Detector mask aperture [um] = 17 Masks type = Skipped # Parameters of the CT SCAN Saving_path = C:/Users/test IC_centre = -28.000 IC_span = 0.077 IC_No_points = 11 IC_positions_scan = -0.001,0,0.001,0.2 Exposure_time = 1.2 Motor_No_Sample_Mask = 1 G = 1.0204 No_dithering = 1 sample_IN_position = 25.0 sample_OUT_position = -50.0 Motor_No_Sample_X = 6 Motor_No_Sample_ROTY = 7 No_projections = 1000 angular_range = 360 how_many_projection_before_flat = 200 how_many_images_per_flat_step = 5 how_many_images_per_scan_step = 1 start_from_projection = 0 sub_acquisition_start = 0 jitter_flag = 1 extra_projection_flag = 1